Decisiones que toman sc maxwell joh
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Decisiones que toman sc maxwell joh
Decisiones que toman sc maxwell joh El autor best seller del New York Times, coach y orador, John Maxwell, proporciona perspectiva sobre el significado del verdadero éxito y revela tres claves para obtenerlo. Abreviación de: El mapa para alcanzar el éxito. 3 Things Successful People Do: The roadmap to success is ideal for the businessman, the homemaker, the athlete, the pastor, the worker, or the entrepreneur; this book like success is for everyone. The author presents success as a journey and offers throughout the text the tools for the reader to discover his personal view of success. It guides you step by step on the journey to it and tries to answer your questions and empower you to continue growing in all areas of life. John C. Maxwell is a recognized expert on leadership, with top books on the New York Times, bestseller list, and tens of millions of copies sold. It includes: Abbreviation of: The roadmap to success. |
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